What we are
- we are a registered charity governed by charitable legislation
- we are a registered social landlord (RSL) as defined by the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965 and the Housing Association Act 1985 and subject to regulation and inspection by Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) on behalf of the Scottish Executive
- we are run by a voluntary Management Committee elected by members
- we operate under the members charter of the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA)
- we are a member of Employers in Voluntary Housing (EVH)
- we are a Gold Award Investor in People.
- We gained our Gold Healthy Working Lives Award (June 2013). It's working in conjunction with Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives (SCHWL) whose principle focus is to work with employers to enable them to understand, protect and improve the health of their employees. This also means they will be better placed to support those with health problems who have re-entered work, to remain in work.
- We use "Happy to Translate" which is a unique and innovative national scheme which bridges communication gaps between organisations and service users who struggle to communicate in English.
What we do
- we build properties for rent and subsidised low-cost home ownership to modern standards throughout Clackmannanshire & West Fife
- we manage our tenancies in accordance with relevant legislation and good practice
- we maintain our properties to exacting standards of energy efficiency and sustainability
- we provide factoring services to owner occupiers