About Us

Our Aims and Objectives

The Association’s corporate goal is:

"To build and maintain affordable, energy efficient, good quality homes whilst putting tenants at the heart of decisions and protecting the long term viability of the Association".

Read our aims and objectives in full

Our Organisation

This section includes our constitution, details of our Board of Management and sub-committees, information on our departments, profiles of our staff and details of any vacancies.

Read more about our organisation

Our History

The Association was established in 1989 to provide the necessary rented and low- cost home ownership housing options previously provided by Clackmannanshire Council.

Read more about our history

Our Performance

The Scottish Housing Regulator has released the Landlord Reports for every Scottish social landlord. It has also made available a national online comparison tool. We have also sent a copy of the Performance Report that Ochil View has sent to tenants each year since 2005.

More about our performance

Our Corporate Information

This section includes details of how to access your information, our publication scheme, our annual assurance statement, downloads of our annual reports, our latest ARC (Annual Return on the Charter) submission, details of our devlopment programme, financial statements and all our policies and procedures.

Access our corporate information

Our News

Read recent news from Ochil View Housing Association

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Getting Involved

Getting involved means opportunities for tenants to help shape our services and improve our performance. We are continually developing these opportunities, so that as many tenants as possible can have their say.

Find out more

Data Protection

This notice explains what information we collect, when we collect it and how we use this.

View the full notice